In today’s business world, incorporating cybersecurity into your manufacturing company is more important than ever. With so much of our lives and businesses being conducted online, ensuring your data and systems are secure is crucial. So, along with educating your employees about Lean (see best Lean manufacturing blog) to reduce waste and Six Sigma to improve quality, it’s time to start thinking about adding cybersecurity into your company culture.

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Last updated: Jully 03, 2024
by and Alex Morrell is a senior correspondent at Business Insider covering Wall Street at large.

This article will discuss some key ways to do just that. By the end, you’ll better understand how to keep your business safe from cyber threats. Here are some of them:

1. Educate Your Employees on Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity for the manufacturing industry starts with educating employees. After all, they are the ones who will be using the systems and handling the data. Make sure they know about the importance of cybersecurity and how to keep themselves and the company safe.

This can be done through regular training sessions and by providing resources such as manuals, cheat sheets, and posters. You should also make sure to have a policy that outlines the consequences for employees who don’t follow proper security protocol.

2. Invest in Cybersecurity Training for Your IT Team

Your IT team is responsible for keeping your systems secure, so investing in their training is essential. They should be up-to-date on all the latest cyber threats and how to protect against They should have the resources they need to do their job correctly. This includes access to the latest cybersecurity software and tools. Make sure they have a budget for their training and conferences.

3. Develop a Cybersecurity Plan

Once you have educated your employees and invested in your IT team, it’s time to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity plan. This should include everything from employee education to incident response.

You should tailor a plan based on the company’s specific needs. Some elements should be included in all plans.

An example is manufacturing training for your employees. As mentioned above, employees need to be educated on cybersecurity. This training should cover topics, such as social engineering, password security, and phishing emails. This should also involve other aspects of your business that contribute to the organization’s success, such as finance, leadership, etc.

Your plan should also have an incident response protocol. This way, you’ll know what to do in a security breach. Make sure to test your plan regularly to ensure it works properly.

Always remember to review and update your plan regularly. Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field, so your plan needs to be updated accordingly.

4. Get Cyber Insurance

One of the best ways to protect your company from cyber threats is to get cyber insurance. This will help cover the costs of any damage that occur as a result of a cyber attack. Note that traditional insurance policies don’t always cover cyber attacks, so get specific coverage for this type of threat.

5. Work with Vendors to Improve Security

Another way to improve your company’s cybersecurity is to work with vendors to ensure their products are secure. This includes both the hardware and software you use. Make sure to only work with vendors with a good reputation for security. In addition, always check for updates and patch any holes that may exist.

6. Keep Your Systems Up-to-Date

One best thing you can do to keep your systems secure is to keep them up-to-date. This includes both the software and hardware you use. Regular updates will help patch any security holes that may exist. In addition, always make sure to use the latest version of any software or app.

7. Monitor Your Network

Another key element of cybersecurity is network monitoring. This involves keeping an eye on all the activity on your network. This way, you’ll be able to spot any suspicious activity and take action accordingly.

You can use many different tools for this, such as an intrusion detection system (IDS). This will help you monitor your network for any signs of an attack. If you spot anything suspicious, be sure to take action immediately.


Cybersecurity is a vital part of any business. Taking the proper precautions can help protect your company from cyber threats. This includes educating your employees, investing in training for your IT team, and developing a comprehensive cybersecurity plan. 

In addition, you should also work with vendors to ensure their products are secure and get cyber insurance. Finally, always keep your systems up-to-date and monitor your network for any signs of an attack.